Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Beautiful Lives

Hi Everyone, Happy 2013.  I hope everyone had a great holiday season and that the new year is off to a good start.

It's been quite awhile since I posted, and a lot has happened in the meantime that has dramatically changed the nature of this trip.  I am not exactly sure how to communicate everything that has happened or what the experience has meant to me or the others involved, but here is my best shot at it, for now.

As you know, I left right after Christmas with brand new friends Lali and Jonathan for a three-week trek on the Annapurna Circuit.  We planned to be on the trail until last Wednesday (January 16), but the universe had a different plan for all of us.  On January 5, ten days into the trek and just one day before we were supposed to cross Thorung La Pass, Jonathan fell off a treacherous stretch of trail and tumbled down the side of the mountain we were traversing, fracturing his skull and causing a massive open head injury.

The accident happened too late in the day for a helicopter to safely evacuate him, so our group of ten--along with five local Nepalis--had to move him by makeshift stretcher to a guesthouse in the closest village 20 minutes away and keep vigil with him for the next 15 hours in below-freezing temperatures, at 14,000 feet elevation, until the helicopter arrived the next morning.  I will remember that night vividly for the rest of my life--both the horrible uncertainty about Jonathan's condition, as well as the incredible displays of strength, compassion, and selflessness from every single person on the mountain that night.  Everyone played an important role and did it beautifully, whether it was holding bandages to his head to protect his skull and staunch the bleeding, chanting and reading medicine Buddha texts to him, cracking jokes to lighten the mood, playing games to keep him (and the rest of us) awake, checking vitals and administering painkillers, or simply contributing body heat to the unheated room we were camped out in.  

The next morning Lali (the other member of our original little band of three) and I flew with Jonathan in the helicopter to Kathmandu, where he underwent emergency surgery to remove the many bone fragments pressing on his brain.   He tolerated the surgery well and spent the next three or four days in the surgical ICU, then was transferred to another ward to continue recovering.  His mother flew in from Canada as soon as she was able to, and the three of us were with him at the hospital nearly every day for the next week and a half.  He and his mother are currently flying back to Calgary where he will continue recovering.  All my positive energy and thoughts for a safe, uneventful journey home are going with them.

While Jonathan was in the hospital here, I was blown away by the outpouring of love and support for him from every corner of the world.  He is an incredible person who is uniquely connected to people, and his ability to touch people's lives has been really evident as I watched him interact with his visitors, family, and even his nurses and doctors.  He had an almost-constant stream of visitors, many of them fellow students from a month-long course on Tibetan Buddhism he and Lali completed at the Kopan Monastery just before the trek.  Every single member of our new Annapurna Circuit “family” was also able to visit Jonathan: Jon, Jon, Alex, and Guy from the UK; Julio from Columbia; and Jaime from Mexico.  We are forever bound together by this experience, and I am so grateful to each of them and can't wait for a reunion somewhere in the world in the not-too-distant future. 

Despite the severity of his injury, the extreme conditions under which the accident occurred, and the length of time (30 hours)between the accident and his life-saving surgery, Jonathan has been making remarkable progress.  The entire right side of his body has been paralyzed since the accident because the injury occurred to his left brain.  But in the past four or five days, movement has been returning to his right hand and toes bit by bit--cause for tears of joy and happy dances in the hospital room!  His sweet, easy-going personality has re-emerged and every day we see more and more of the Jonathan we know and love. We are all in awe of his strength and his remarkable spirit.  He has a monumental task ahead of him, but I am fully confident that he has what it takes to heal his body and use this experience to grow and even benefit those around them.  He is a miracle, pure and simple.

There is no way for me to understand how the experiences of the past two weeks have and will continue to impact each of us involved.  Doubtless, we will all be changed in profound, even fundamental, ways, although I don't know what those ways are yet. I personally have been pushed to my absolute limits; I have been at rock bottom at points, and at others have been more deeply aware of the strength and goodness of human beings than ever before in my life.  I have experienced the spectrum of human emotions in richer ways than I have ever before. All of these things have been an incredible gift, even if they don't come wrapped in pretty packaging.  I'm sure I'm going to continue processing everything long after I return home. I am so grateful to every single person who has had a hand in getting Jonathan to the point he is today, and also to those who have helped keep me going when I needed a shoulder to lean on myself.  I am particularly in awe of my new Canadian mom (Gianetta) and American/birthday sister (Lali) for their strength and compassion in caring for Jonathan.  

In addition, my own grandmother passed away on January 9, in the farmhouse she had lived in for 62 years.  Her passing was very peaceful and she was surrounded by her four daughters.  I believe it was the most lovely way she could have left us, but it's been heartbreaking for me to be so far away and not give her one last hug or attend her funeral.  It's also been hard to not have more time or energy to focus on and honor her, but I feel incredibly blessed to have talked to her on the phone from halfway around the world the night before she passed.  That one last opportunity to tell her how much I love her is something for which I will always be incredibly grateful. I am blessed and honored beyond words to call myself her granddaughter.

Please keep Jonathan and his family in your thoughts and prayers.  Please also keep my family in your thoughts as we continue to honor Grandma's life and make arrangements for the farm. 

Since life is always a mixture of joy and sadness, I wanted to leave you with some pictures of the beauty we were surrounded by on our trek before Jonathan fell. But Nepal internet isn't cooperating so I will have to share them another time.  I will also post again when I have time, although two friends from the U.S. are flying in tomorrow and I'm sure we will keep ourselves very busy for the next week and a half until we fly home. 

Be well! Love and gratitude.